A Stability Estimate for Robin Boundary Coefficients in Stokes Fluid Flows

Date Received: Feb 18, 2019

Date Published: Mar 18, 2019







How to Cite:

Sang, P., & Dung, N. (2019). A Stability Estimate for Robin Boundary Coefficients in Stokes Fluid Flows. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 1(4), 289–304. https://doi.org/10.31817/vjas.2018.1.4.05

A Stability Estimate for Robin Boundary Coefficients in Stokes Fluid Flows

Phan Quang Sang (*) 1   , Nguyen Thuy Dung 1

  • Corresponding author: pqsang@vnua.edu.vn
  • 1 Faculty of Information Technology, Vietnam National University of Agriculture, Hanoi 131000, Vietnam
  • Keywords

    inverse problems, Carleman inequality, Stokes equation, Stability estimate


    In this report, we examine the unsteady Stokes equations with non-homogeneous boundary conditions. As an application of a Carleman estimate, we first establish log type stabilities for the solution of the equations from either an interior measurement of the velocity, or a boundary observation depending on the trace of the velocity and of the Cauchy stress tensor measurements on a part of the boundary. We then consider the inverse problem of determining the time-independent Robin coefficient from a measurement of the solution and of Cauchy data on a sub-boundary.


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