Effects of Packaging Materials and Disinfectants on Quality Changes of Ceylon Spinach (Basella alba L.) during Storage

Date Received: Mar 11, 2019

Date Published: Aug 30, 2019







How to Cite:

Ngoc, T., & Que, P. (2019). Effects of Packaging Materials and Disinfectants on Quality Changes of Ceylon Spinach (Basella alba L.) during Storage. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2(2), 397–408. https://doi.org/10.31817/vjas.2019.2.2.05

Effects of Packaging Materials and Disinfectants on Quality Changes of Ceylon Spinach (Basella alba L.) during Storage

Tong Thi Anh Ngoc (*) 1   , Phan Thi Thanh Que 1

  • Corresponding author: ttanhngocctu@gmail.com
  • 1 Food Technology Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Can Tho University, Can Tho, 94115, Vietnam
  • Keywords

    Ceylon spinach, microbial counts, packaging materials, peracetic acid, quality, storage


    Minimally processed fruits and vegetables are economically important commodities due to convenience, and healthiness, etc. These commodities are susceptible and shelf life limited as cut surfaces of vegetable result in microbiological and physiological spoilage. To extend the shelf life of Asian spinach vegetables, different washing treatments (i.e. tap water, chlorine dioxide, and peracetic acid) and packaging materials (i.e. Polypropylene-PP, High Density Polyethylene-HDPE and Low Density Polyethylene-LDPE) were evaluated in the study. The results obtained show that washing treatment of the Asian spinach with peracetic acid solution of 100 ppm for five minutes was effective due to reduced significantly E. coli and Coliforms counts. The Asian spinach was packed in HDPE material might optimally prolong the shelf life up to 7 days at 10±1oC.


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