Nitrogen-Use Efficiency Evaluation and Genome Survey of Vietnamese Rice Landraces (Oryza sativa L.)

Date Received: Oct 19, 2018

Date Accepted: Oct 22, 2018

Date Published: Oct 22, 2018







How to Cite:

Nguyen, H., Dinh, T. L., Nguyen, T., & Pham, C. (2018). Nitrogen-Use Efficiency Evaluation and Genome Survey of Vietnamese Rice Landraces (Oryza sativa L.). Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 1(2), 142–155.

Nitrogen-Use Efficiency Evaluation and Genome Survey of Vietnamese Rice Landraces (Oryza sativa L.)

Hanh Thi Thuy Nguyen (*) 1 , Thuy Linh Mai Dinh 2 , Trung Quoc Nguyen 1   , Cuong Van Pham 3

  • Corresponding author:
  • 1 Faculty of Biotechnology, Vietnam National University of Agriculture, Hanoi 131000, Vietnam
  • 2 Center of International Plant Research Vietnam and Japan (CIPR), Hanoi 131000, Vietnam
  • 3 Faculty of Agronomy, Vietnam National University of Agriculture, Hanoi 131000, Vietnam
  • Keywords

    Genome survey, Local rice landrace (Oryza sativa L.), Nitrogen use efficiency (NUE)


    The overuse of fertilizers can result in many adverse effects such as decreasing fertilizer use efficiency of plants, wasting resources, increasing farming costs, and polluting our environment. Local rice landraces including indigenous and local rice varieties, may contain considerable genetic diversity that can serve as sources of germplasm for genetic improvements of nutrient use efficiency, yield, resistance to pests and pathogens, and important agronomic traits. Increasing the fertilizer use efficiency of crops by developing new rice varieties is necessary for sustainable agriculture. In this study, six rice varieties, Chiem Tay (CT), Te Tep (TT), Re Bac Ninh (RB), IR24, P6DB, and Khang Dan 18 (KD18), were evaluated for nitrogen use efficiency. Two landraces, P6DB and CT, which showed the lowest and highest values of nitrogen use efficiencies, were selected for a genome survey. Ninety-seven out of the 1051 surveyed markers indicated polymorphisms. These polymorphic markers were distributed along to each of the 12 chromosomes and were either scattered quite evenly on a chromosome or were condensed at particular regions in the physical map. The obtained information on nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) variation and the marker map should be very useful to further identify QTLs/genes involving in NUE as well as other genetic analyses toward the development of sustainable agriculture.


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