Genetic Diversity of Chanos Chanos (Forsskål, 1775) from Natural Populations in Vietnam

Date Received: Jul 14, 2021

Date Accepted: Jun 27, 2022

Date Published: Jun 27, 2022







How to Cite:

Trang, V., Ha, T. T. T., Ngan, T. T. K., Vinh, N. D., Nhat, P. H., & Huyen, V. T. (2022). Genetic Diversity of Chanos Chanos (Forsskål, 1775) from Natural Populations in Vietnam. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 5(2), 1456–1463.

Genetic Diversity of Chanos Chanos (Forsskål, 1775) from Natural Populations in Vietnam

Vu Thi Trang (*) 1 , Tran Thi Thuy Ha 1 , Tran Thi Kim Ngan 2 , Nguyen Dinh Vinh 3 , Pham Hong Nhat 1   , Vu Thi Huyen 1

  • Corresponding author:
  • 1 Center of Aquaculture Biotechnology, Research Institute for Aquaculture No.1, Bac Ninh 222100, Vietnam
  • 2 Faculty of Junior high school, Nghe An College of Education, Nghe An 43100, Vietnam
  • 3 School of Agriculture and Resources, Vinh Universty, Nghe An 43100, Vietnam
  • Keywords

    COI sequences, milkfish, natural populations, genetic diversity, genetic relationship


    The genetic diversity of five natural populations of milkfish (Chanos chanos) collected in Nghe An, Quang Binh, Binh Dinh, Phu Yen, Khanh Hoa provinces in Vietnam was examined using COI gene sequence analysis. Twelve haplotypes were noted from a total of 50 sequences along with 12 variable sites and 6 parsimony informative sites. The Quang Binh milkfish population had the highest haplotype (0.889 ± 0.060) and nucleotide diversities (0.00301 ± 0.00049). Overall, haplotype and nucleotide diversities were 0.804 ± 0.036 and 0.00212 ± 0.00026, respectively. Genetic differentiation (FST) was high between the milkfish populations of Nghe An – Quang Binh (0.21744) and Nghe An - Phu Yen (0.26215). Haplotype network analysis indicated that milkfish populations shared common haplotypes and each population had its own private haplotypes. Population structure and demographic expansion were not evident for all populations except for Quang Binh. This is the first principal endeavor to understand genetic information of milkfish in Vietnam, thereby providing information for scientists, managers, and the general public to establish timely strategies to explore, protect, and develop milkfish genetic resources in the future.


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