Characterizing Rice Quality Properties and Comprehensive Taste Quality: A Case Study of Three-years of Regional Varietal Trials in the Mekong Delta

Date Received: Jun 01, 2022

Date Published: Dec 30, 2022





How to Cite:

Thang, N. (2022). Characterizing Rice Quality Properties and Comprehensive Taste Quality: A Case Study of Three-years of Regional Varietal Trials in the Mekong Delta. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 5(4), 1613–1627.

Characterizing Rice Quality Properties and Comprehensive Taste Quality: A Case Study of Three-years of Regional Varietal Trials in the Mekong Delta

Nguyen Ba Thang (*) 1

  • Corresponding author:
  • 1 Independent researcher, Hoai Duc, Hanoi 13211, Vietnam
  • Keywords

    Rice, high quality, taste, aroma, cooking quality


    A data set of 140 selected rice varieties from regional registration testing in the Mekong delta with four rice registration groups was studied for quality properties and correlations between each quality parameter and comprehensive taste quality in this paper. Differences in rice quality among the four registration groups and three taste categories were identified. (1) The three maturity groups of A0, A1, and A2 could be divided into fairly good and medium taste categories only whereas the aromatic group could be divided into three taste categories. (2) In the A0, A1, and A2 groups, the amylose content values of the fairly good taste category were lower than those of the medium taste category in the three groups, by 5.91%, 4.38%, and 6.38%, respectively (P <0.05). However, the gel consistency values of the fairly good taste category were higher than those of the medium one, by 25.79mm, 16.53mm, and 26.66mm, respectively. (3) In the aromatic group, the hulling percentage and milling percentage of the good taste category were lower than that of the medium one, respectively. The grain length, length/width ratio, smell, and taste of the high-taste quality category rice were higher than those of the medium taste category rice, however, the amylose content was non-significantly different among the three taste quality categories (P <0.05). (4) The smell and tenderness were found to be highly positively correlated with the comprehensive taste quality, but the amylose content was highly negatively correlated with the comprehensive taste quality in all groups (P <0.01).


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