Effects of Nitrogen Forms on Root System Development, Physiological Traits, and Dry Matter Production of Rice

Date Received: Aug 20, 2018

Date Accepted: Aug 20, 2018

Date Published: Aug 20, 2018





How to Cite:

Tran, T., & Yamauchi, A. (2018). Effects of Nitrogen Forms on Root System Development, Physiological Traits, and Dry Matter Production of Rice. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 1(1), 1–10. https://doi.org/10.31817/vjas.2018.1.1.01

Effects of Nitrogen Forms on Root System Development, Physiological Traits, and Dry Matter Production of Rice

Thiem Thi Tran (*) 1   , Yamauchi Akira 2

  • Corresponding author: tranthiem@vnua.edu.vn
  • 1 Vietnam National University of Agriculture, Hanoi 131000, Vietnam
  • 2 Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences, Nagoya University, Nagoya 464-8601, Japan
  • Keywords

    Ammonium, continuously waterlogged, nitrate, rice, root system development, water deficit


    The objectives of this study were to evaluate the effects of nitrogen forms on root system development (expressed as total root length, nodal root number, nodal root length, and lateral root length), water use, photosynthetic rate, and dry matter production under water deficit (WD) at 20% w/w and continuously waterlogged (CWL) conditions. Rice plants cv. Nipponbare were grown in plastic pots in a vinyl house. Six N forms were applied at the same rate of 360 mg N per pot, and were prepared as follows: N-NH4+ alone (A); N-NH4+ with nitrification inhibitor (A+DCD); N-NO3- alone (N); N-NO3- with nitrification inhibitor (N+DCD); combined N-NH4+ and N-NO3- (AN); and combined N-NH4+ and N-NO3- with nitrification inhibitor (AN+DCD). The nitrification inhibitor, dicyandiamide (DCD) (C2H4N4), was applied at the rate of 100 mg pot-1. The results of the experiment showed that under both WD and CWL conditions, significant increases were seen in the root system development as expressed through total root length, nodal root number, nodal root length, and lateral root length in the N-NO3- treatments with and without DCD compared to the application of N-NH4+ treatments with and without DCD. This led to an increase in water use, and eventually a significant increase in dry matter production. Similarly, the A treatments with and without DCD also significantly increased root system development as compared with the AN and AN+DCD treatments. Furthermore, under both CWL and WD conditions, the positive and notably significant correlations between the total root length and water use, as well as between the total root length and shoot dry weight, were found only in the A and A+DCD treatments. These results indicate that rice prefers sole ammonium over the mixed ammonium-nitrate treatment, and sole nitrate applications under both WD and CWL conditions.


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