Water-Saving Irrigation and Nitrogen Fertilizer Use Efficiency for Irrigated Rice in the Red River Delta, Vietnam

Date Received: Feb 02, 2021

Date Published: Oct 28, 2021







How to Cite:

Son, N., & Ha, N. (2021). Water-Saving Irrigation and Nitrogen Fertilizer Use Efficiency for Irrigated Rice in the Red River Delta, Vietnam. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 4(3), 1117–1130. https://doi.org/10.31817/vjas.2021.4.3.02

Water-Saving Irrigation and Nitrogen Fertilizer Use Efficiency for Irrigated Rice in the Red River Delta, Vietnam

Ngo Thanh Son (*) 1, 2, 3   , Nguyen Thu Ha 4

  • Corresponding author: ntson.hua@gmail.com
  • 1 Faculty of Natural Resources and Environment
  • 2 Vietnam National University of Agriculture, Hanoi 131000, Vietnam
  • 3 Consulting Center of Technological Science for Natural Resources and Environment, Hanoi 131000, Vietnam
  • 4 Faculty of Natural Resources and Environment, Vietnam National University of Agriculture, Hanoi 131000, Vietnam
  • Keywords

    Continuous flooding, alternate wetting and drying, fertilizer deep placement, water use efficiency


    The objective of this research was to quantify the effects of water-saving regimes and fertilizer application improvement on water productivity, N-use efficiency, and rice yield. The results showed that the tested water treatments did not have significant effects on the growth and development, yield components, and final grain yield, but water productivity was significantly increased from 1.28 kg grain m-3 (W0) water to 1.74 kg grain m-3 water (W1) and 1.94 kg grain m-3 water (W2). In addition, the percentage of total irrigation water saved from W1 and W2 were 25.24-44.52% compared to continuous flooding. Fertilizer deep placement (FDP) combined with organic compost significantly increased the grain yield of the tested hybrid rice variety. Average grain yield increased quickly from 2847 kg ha-1 with 0 kg N ha-1 to 5263 kg ha-1 with 120 kg N ha-1 under the fertilizer deep placement method. The highest total nitrogen uptake, agronomic nitrogen efficiency (ANE), and nitrogen uptake efficiency (NUE) were obtained from alternate wetting and drying at a -20cm water depth and the fertilizer deep placement method (W1N2). In addition, it also gave the highest income in comparison with the other treatments. Therefore, alternate wetting and drying at a -20cm water depth and fertilizer deep placement method should be encouraged for implementation in other regions of Vietnam.


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