Preliminary N2O Emissions of Major Vegetable Cropping Systems in Peri-urban Hanoi, Vietnam

Date Received: Sep 03, 2020

Date Published: Dec 31, 2021







How to Cite:

Hung, N., Ampt, P., Rogers, G., & Ha, L. (2021). Preliminary N2O Emissions of Major Vegetable Cropping Systems in Peri-urban Hanoi, Vietnam. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 4(4), 1257–1269.

Preliminary N2O Emissions of Major Vegetable Cropping Systems in Peri-urban Hanoi, Vietnam

Nguyen Phi Hung (*) 1 , Ampt Peter 2 , Rogers Gordon 2   , Ly Thi Thu Ha 3

  • Corresponding author:
  • 1 Northern Mountainous Agriculture and Forestry Science Institute, Phu Tho 293000, Vietnam
  • 2 Sydney Institute of Agriculture, Faculty of Science, School of Life and Environmental Sciences, The University of Sydney, Camperdown, New South Wales 2006, Australia
  • 3 Faculty of Natural Resources and Environment, Vietnam National University of Agriculture, Hanoi 131000, Vietnam
  • Keywords

    N2O emissions, vegetables, crop management practices, Hanoi peri-urban, nitrogen fertilisers


    Crop management practices in intensive vegetable production can influence nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from soils. This study quantified seasonal N2O emissions and N2O emission intensities, and investigated the factors driving emissions in different vegetable management practices. Emissions from four typical vegetable crops (two choy sums, a mustard, and a cabbage) were intensively measured over the 2016 autumn season on farms in Van Noi and Dang Xa communes in the Hanoi peri-urban area. Different N2O emissions were observed in the four leafy vegetable crops. The average daily emissions varied from 12.15 g to 40.08 g N2O-N ha-1 and the autumn season N2O emissions varied from 1.13 kg to 8.45 kg N2O-N ha-1 across the four crops. The greatest daily and season emissions were from cabbage, and the lowest were from mustard. Emission intensities varied among the types of vegetables and was the lowest at the mustard farm (37 kg CO2-e t-1), indicating that the crop management practices increased the mustard yield but retained a low N2O emission rate. Practices responsible for high N2O emissions were overuse of nitrogen fertilisers and furrow irrigation. An improvement in the farmers’ adoption of best practices in fertiliser application and irrigation could reduce N2O emissions without affecting crop productivity.


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