Digestibility of Different Plant-derived Oils and their Influence on Fatty Acid Composition in the Liver and Muscle of Juvenile Common Carp (Cyprinus Carpio)

Date Received: Oct 30, 2021

Date Published: Sep 30, 2022







How to Cite:

Mai, N., Kestemont, P., Mellery, J., Larondelle, Y., Mandiki, S., & Thi, N. (2022). Digestibility of Different Plant-derived Oils and their Influence on Fatty Acid Composition in the Liver and Muscle of Juvenile Common Carp (Cyprinus Carpio). Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 5(3), 1537–1550. https://doi.org/10.31817/vjas.2022.5.3.03

Digestibility of Different Plant-derived Oils and their Influence on Fatty Acid Composition in the Liver and Muscle of Juvenile Common Carp (Cyprinus Carpio)

Nguyen Thi Mai (*) 1 , Kestemont Patrick 2 , Mellery Julie 3 , Larondelle Yvan 3 , N.M. Mandiki Syaghalirwa 2   , Nang Thu Tran Thi 1

  • Corresponding author: ntmai.ntts@vnua.edu.vn
  • 1 Faculty of Fisheries, Vietnam National University of Agriculture, Hanoi 131000, Vietnam
  • 2 Research Unit in Environmental and Evolutionary Biology (URBE), Institute of Life, Earth and Environment (ILEE), University of Namur, Namur 5080, Belgium
  • 3 Louvain Institute of Biomolecular Science and Technology, UCLouvain, Louvain-la-Neuve 1348, Belgium
  • Keywords

    Common carp, vegetable oil, fatty acid profile


    We evaluated the digestibility of plant oils and their influence on the growth of and fatty acid composition in common carp. Apparent digestibility coefficients (ADC) of lipids were determined in carp (200.2 ± 40.0g) fed with cod liver oil (CLO), linseed oil (LO), sunflower oil (SFO), or sesame oil (SO). A 96-day growth trial was then conducted using six isolipidic (from 100 to 101 g/kg diet) diets, namely CLO, LO, SFO, SO, and two blends of plant oils (SLO = SO + LO; SSFO = SO + SFO). Lipid ADC values (0.920-0.972) were similar or slightly lower in the plant oil-based diets than in the CLO-based diet. Growth and feed efficiency (FE) were not influenced by dietary lipids. The fatty acid profile in the liver and muscle reflected those of the dietary lipids. The EPA and DHA proportions were higher in the liver and muscle of the LO and SLO-fed fish than in the other plant oil groups, and lower than in CLO-fed fish (P <0.05). Higher EPA, DHA, and n3/n6 ratio levels in the muscle of fish fed on the linseed oil (LO) diet, as compared to those in fish fed on the other plant oil-based diets, were ideal for human health and suggest that it can be used as a suitable alternative to fish oil.


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