A Review of Digital Economy and Digital Economics

Date Received: May 09, 2022

Date Published: Mar 29, 2023





How to Cite:

Chung, D. K., & Duy, L. V. (2023). A Review of Digital Economy and Digital Economics. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 6(1), 1745–1753. https://doi.org/10.31817/vjas.2023.6.1.05

A Review of Digital Economy and Digital Economics

Do Kim Chung (*) 1   , Luu Van Duy 1

  • Corresponding author: luuvanduy@gmail.com
  • 1 Faculty of Economics and Rural Development, Vietnam National University of Agriculture, Hanoi 131000, Vietnam
  • Keywords

    Digital economy, digital economics, digitalization, digitalized economy, ITC


    Under the burgeoning of the digital era and global crisis of climate change and health, most countries around the world are moving to digitalize their economies. Digitalization is fundamentally changing all social and economic sectors. However, the existing studies have paid much attention on digital economy rather than digital economics. Drawing from recent literature, this paper critically reviews the understanding of digital economy by examining its meaning, main characteristics, scopes, measurement methods and identifies how digital economy differs to traditional economy. The paper, then, presents a concept and roles of digital economics and the needed suggestions for training digital economics. With this regard, the paper concludes that the education policies should be renovated in order to meet the demands on digital economy. The courses of economics should be integrated with digital economics and sharing economics.


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