Current Situation and Solutions for Vocational Training in Extremely Isolated Communes, Lowland and Coastal Areas, and on Islands in Vietnam

Date Received: Oct 10, 2023

Date Published: Mar 30, 2024







How to Cite:

Hoc, N. D., Chau, L. T. M., Anh, H. T. M., Hong, P. T. D., & Trung, T. Q. (2024). Current Situation and Solutions for Vocational Training in Extremely Isolated Communes, Lowland and Coastal Areas, and on Islands in Vietnam. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 7(1), 2085–2097.

Current Situation and Solutions for Vocational Training in Extremely Isolated Communes, Lowland and Coastal Areas, and on Islands in Vietnam

Nguyen Dang Hoc (*) 1 , Le Thi Minh Chau 1 , Hoang Thi Mai Anh 1 , Phi Thi Diem Hong 1   , Tran Quang Trung 1

  • Corresponding author:
  • 1 Faculty of Accounting and Business Management, Vietnam National University of Agriculture, Hanoi 131000, Vietnam
  • Keywords

    Vocational training, farmers, extremely isolated communes


    This study aimed to analyze the current situation of vocational training for farmers and farmers’ needs for vocational training in the next years in extremely isolated communities. The primary data were collected from 480 farmers in 16 communes. The selection of the study sites was based on the list issued in Decision No. 353/QD-TTg dated March 15, 2022 of the Prime Minister. The secondary data on vocational training in the period of 2016-2022 were collected from the Department of Labor, Invalids, and Social Affairs in the study sites. The research results showed that vocational training programs for farmers in the period of 2016-2022 had some achievements. The numbers of courses and trained workers increased every year (except the period of 2020 to early 2022 because of Covid-19), and the contents of the training courses were designed in accordance with the special requirements of local conditions and production and business characteristics. However, the vocational training program for farmers in extremely isolated communes in the period 2016-2022 still had limitations in terms of training contents, training methods, and training duration. It was found that in the 2023-2025 period, 73.5% of surveyed farmers desired to participate in vocational training. Based on the limitations of the vocational training program in the past, some proper solutions were proposed to improve the effectiveness of vocational training and to meet the farmers’ expectations.


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