Received: Jun 11, 2020 / Published: Mar 05, 2021
Research on consumer needs for safe foods under the willingness to pay (WTP) approach based on consumer behavior has been performed widely and has contributed greatly to the development of safe foods, assisted enterprises’ decision-making processes in improving agricultural and food products, and provided orientation to policymakers in improving public health as well as in fostering sustainable economic growth. Some of the methods used for measuring WTP for safe foods, such as contingent value (CV), choice experiment (CE), and auction experiment (AE), have made significant contributions to the evaluation of consumers’ WTP for food safety. Moreover, the application of these models has helped to estimate the effects of many factors such as demography, consumer habits, continuation of food safety, individual characteristics, promotion, and product attributes, etc., on the WTP for food safety. The trend of safe food consumption in Vietnam has distinct characteristics, some of which come from national cultural identities; therefore, Vietnamese researchers may approach the empirical studies on this issue all over the world in order to find proper methods for studying consumer needs for safe foods in Vietnam.